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The day when everything changed!

Published March 9, 2014 by zxcvbnins

November 4, 2013

It was a normal Monday morning. It was supposed to be a normal day for me but I was wrong. I was not prepared to what happened next, it’s like I’m crossing the street and got hit by a car.

I always remember what my sister used to say, “You should be brave. Don’t be afraid to take risks.” and another one was “You should be prepared for whatever is going to happen next.” and guess what? She’s right.


So here’s what really happened, we had a fight and it was bad. I knew that it was my fault and I’m guilty of it so I decided to let things between us get cool then after a while I will apologize to her. Here comes monday morning, we were not talking or even looking at each other so I decided to make the first move, I hugged her and said sorry and being the emotional one my tears just burst out. I told her that I was confused. Confused on who I really am. Where did I came from? Who are my real parents, my real family and if they know them. I know that at this point you are all confused on what I’m really talking about. To cut the long story short, I am adopted.


Here’s what I know as of now:

  • My real mother is one of my Aunt;
  • She had me when she was still in college;
  • They don’t know who my real father is and they don’t have any contact with him; and
  • Me, my sister and my brother are the only ones who knows about this (cause i haven’t talked to my parents about it).


It’s been a long time since it happened and up until now it still haven’t sunk into me yet. It feels like I’ve been stuck in a dream and haven’t woke up but I guess things have to happen and we have to face it. Writing about this makes me feel sad and happy at the same time, why? Because I’m not a very open person and even my closest friends doesn’t even know about this but I think that it is time for me to let it all out. I’ve been keeping this for quite some time now and the feeling is becoming unbearable, knowing that you have to keep it to yourself and have no one to talk to about it. I’m happy at the same time because I know that somehow I’m free. Free to talk about it. Free to express myself. Free to be who I really am. I know that there are a lot of people out there that are just like me and all i can say to you is to be BRAVE, don’t be afraid to know the truth because in the end what matters is that you are loved by the people around you.

Three Stooges!

Published December 16, 2013 by zxcvbnins


You would probably think that this post is about a movie review of the film Three Stooges but it’s not. I met them when we were all in first year high school, I was a new student so i really don’t know anyone and it was really hard for me to adjust and to find friends cause a lot of them already knew each other and I was scared to approach them cause I don’t want to be rejected. So one of them, i think, approached me and introduced himself/herself to me and just what like other newbies would do is say hi and be awkward. I really can’t remember what happened next but what i know is that we just clicked with each other and became really good friends. All through out high school we were hanging out with each other and we had a lot of fun and shared good memories and of course just like other people we’ve had our fair share of downtime.

Now we’re already in college, we always see to it that every week we will see each other and catch up cause for us it’s very important and who else doesn’t want to have a laugh every once in a while, right? We’d just stay in the university and walk around or find some place where we can just sit down and talk about what happened to us or if there’s something new or anything under the sun! I know that they are for keeps and i won’t let them go cause friends like them is so hard to find.  

“Let’s find some beautiful place to get lost”

Published December 5, 2013 by zxcvbnins

I know that there are times when you’re alone and you just want to go somewhere where you can be alone, relax, and to have some peace and quiet but do you know where exactly that place is? Cause I personally don’t know where that place is.

I wonder how others can be in a room full of people and be in their own world, like everyone’s talking and the room is just too noisy to even focus on one thing but then there are people who can actually block all those noise and be in their own world where they can be who they want, see what they want, be with who they want, and be perfect even just for a short period of time.

Well I guess we can all get lost both the REAL world and OUR world, it’ll just depend on whether we will look for our way back or just stay there and enjoy it!

‘Cause it’s thursday!

Published November 7, 2013 by zxcvbnins

'Cause it's thursday!

I think i was one year old when this photo was taken, I really can’t remember what happened during those times but browsing through our photo albums it looks like I had a lot of fun back then. So yeah, it really is important to know and to look back to where we came from so we’ll know where we’re going.


Published November 3, 2013 by zxcvbnins


I’ll be honest with you all, I’m a big Harry Potter fan. The HP Series was the first series of books that I actually read. I grew up reading them and waited for the movie every year. It was sad that it’s all over now and the kids who was with their (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) journey have to go and take a different path and discover what’s in it. I personally think that this story will never get old and I’m looking forward to the day when I’d sit down on the couch and read the story again but this time with my kids.

I’m joining in! NaBloPoMo :)

Published November 2, 2013 by zxcvbnins

I’m joining in to this 30-day challenge, to post one blog each day for the whole month of November but as you can see I’m a day late so I’m going to post two blogs to make up for it.

I’ve always wanted to start a blog but I’m not sure if blogging is really for me, so a few weeks ago I’ve decided to make one. The first few days were a bit hard because it’s my first time and also I don’t know what are the things to put in my posts. I thought that it would be easy because I have read a lot of blogs in the past and it seems to me that the authors are not having difficulties in picking the topic of their blogs.

I know this is short but please forgive me because I’m still new to the world of blogging but I promise I’ll do my best to improve my writing skills so that I can give you blog posts that are worth reading.